Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life 101 - Running into walls

I jumped out of bed today and headed to the kitchen as I always do.  I enjoyed my breakfast as I watch my crazy cat race around the room, like something on a mega dose of caffeine.  I swear sometimes she gets into more than just the bread at nighttime.  Maybe it's the way she races around and smashes into the wall...full steam ahead! She just makes me laugh so hard that tears run down my cheek.
I realize it never even fazed her and she seemed to really enjoy it.  The whole thing made me think of some people I know who keep running head on into walls and not really seeing the problem with it.  It's like they actually enjoy it.

Who am I to say what someone should or shouldn't like.  However, I realize how I'm one of those people who hate walls, especially those that get into my way when I least expect it.  I know from experience when they pop up out of nowhere they sure can send me for a loop. Sometimes I stand there trying to figure out what to do.  Unlike the cat that just races full steam ahead, I tend to step aside and ponder my next move.  I figure I have two run into the wall like the crazy cat does, or jump it or take it down.  Since I have longer legs I think I will jump it for now and see where I land. 

Life will always throw a wall up to see how we handle it, but it's up to us to determine how to get around it, over it or through it! Always best not to keep running head on into it like the cat, because the world just doesn’t have that much aspirin!


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