Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Do what makes you happy!

I've aked myself many times why bad things seem to happen when I'm trying to do everything right.  I'm usually so focused on perfection that I overlook simple details that pull it all together.  For example I've been trying to decorate my house for years.  Always striving to figure out how to decorate like a professional.  What I should have been doing is looking for what I liked and making it happen.  Instead I browsed through page after page of decorating books looking for my style.  Did I actually think someone would have already created MY STYLE?  Of course not. 
I'm learning that we need to just see it in our mind and make it happen.  Since I started doing things this way life's tasks have become so much easier!  Never try to be anyone else, be yourself and do what makes you happy.

Monday, May 16, 2011

AGE 5...error or not?

I just posted about my last 49 years an wanted to say I'm heading on 50.  But I entered that I'm starting life at 5.  Maybe this is my way of starting over entirely and seeing things as if a young child once again.  Thrilled to learn more, enjoy more and just take life by the reigns and go for it!

Thinking 5 is a good deal!


50 years…soon!

I’ve been sitting here and thinking of the last 49 years and what I’ve done with my life.  In comparison to some I’ve really done nothing, but since I’ve done it all on my own I guess I’m doing okay.

I have friends who have achieved great success many times over, friends who help others on a daily basis, and even ones who never spoke a word who moved hearts wherever they went.  It kind of made me feel for a long time that my life really didn’t have much meaning. 

As a young child I always dreamed of doing something in the medical field.  I loved the idea of helping others and especially those who were hurting.  I came out full of compassion and it’s always been that way.  I found such joy in seeing people smile.  It made what I did all worth the while.  However, my mother told me that girls don’t go to college.  They sit home and take care of the family.  I guess some do that, but sure wasn’t my dream.

Not knowing how to get to college and make my dream come true, I ventured out to find work instead.  I’ve held some of the best jobs when I was younger.  They all allowed me to keep climbing up and learning more.  But for some reason when I was about 30, it all started to head back the other way.  Suddenly the skills I used to supervise others wasn’t valid without a degree, so I ended up with an entry level job at best.  It just kept declining in spite of me finally going to college.  I thought the degree would get me the job, but now I was being told I was too old at 43. It seemed like noting was going to work again.

Yet, at age 43 I decided to try some things I enjoyed.  I sold buttons that you designed along with popcorn at festivals, started a property maintenance business and now am trying to come up with a way to do more creative projects to I can use my artist skills once again.  Even though the corporate world of working for others has ended, I’m now able to focus on what I want to do.  I did consider for a short time going to college for my medical degree, but realized at this stage of life that my plans had changed.  Even though it still interested me, it wasn’t about the stable job or good income anymore.  It was about finding something I enjoyed and would do for free.  Art, that’s what I would do for free.  So at age 5, just around the bend, I’m heading out to get some art supplies and make my dreams come true. 


Monday, March 21, 2011


Today was one of those days I wish I had stayed in bed.  Seemed anything I tried to do just zapped the energy right out of me.  However, I bounced up this morning ready to take on the challenges of the day.  By noon, I should of hopped back into the bed and pulled the covers over my head, but I didn't want to miss a minute of life.  The day really didn't get any better, but atleast when I fall asleep tonite I know I have another chance tomorrow to make it even a better day!  Aah, these covers are my friend!
Good Nite!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It may sound silly that at my age, not telling so don’t ask, that I need to organize my day, but I find it makes everything run so much smoother.  I can remember the mornings when I woke up trying to remember all I had to do.  By days end I was lucky to have completed even half of my chores. So I decided to allot a specific amount of time to each task.  It actually work the same way that they schedule business appointments.  I just make sure that when I schedule work, I also schedule play! 

Today for example, I got up and allowed myself two hours to eat, cleanup and get prepared for my activities.  Once I gathered all I needed, I headed out the door for the next two hours to take care of some chores.  Of course I gave myself extra time to stop and smell the flowers, sit in the park and just enjoy life. After a short rest, I headed on to my next appointments and finally headed home.  I was so ahead of schedule that I actually had some time to write this blog.  Now I'm getting ready to make dinner, put in laundry and clean one room of my house.  I don’t' do them all on the same day, because it just makes it seem easier that way.  Some people would beg to differ that it's more important to get it all done, but when you simplify your time you can stretch things out and have more time. 

Now all of this may seem really silly, but by scheduling my time and spreading things out, I have been able to gain control of my life and my time and enjoy life more!   Even those who work full time can benefit from scheduling their hours out of work.  I've done it in a past life when I work over 50 hours a week.  It just makes me less stress and I get everything done with a smile still on my face. 

Don't let the burdens of life stress you out and overwhelm you, find creative ways to manage your life and bring some order back to you can ENJOY LIFE to the fullest!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SIMPLIFY LIFE 101-Clutter Control

STUFF!  It’s everywhere.  It calls out to you to purchase it and bring it home.  For some reason people want to be surround by stuff that they don’t’ need.  First step to SIMPLIFY LIFE 101 is to realize what is atrue need or want.

Needs are simple.  They are things we can’t live without.  Like toothbrushes & toothpaste.  If we live without them, we end up smelling bad and looking bad.  Granted there are people in this world who don’t have these simple items, but trust me they are a need and not a want for everyone.  We all need shelter and clothing sure is a good idea as well.  Can't say I'd be into watching nake butts stroll by.  Although nudist do save on clothing cost.  No, too much cellulite to consider that lifestyle!

Needs are the items that your life requires, they are the basics, the things to help you survive.  Wants are the things you desire, but certainly can live without.  In life we need just a few basic things like clothing, shelter, and food. Of course having our friends and family with us would be nice. Only when we start to realize our real needs can we start to simplify our life.

Wants are always the things we buy that end up sitting on shelves, in closet or just take up so much space in our home. Too many of us overdue it when it comes to wants.  Sure we want the new flat screen or the new dress, but do we actually need them?  No, not at all, but they are nice to have and we can have them if we like.  But, we really don’t’ need all the things we desire.  We certainly won’t die without them.

I can remember as a kid getting the Sears Wish book and marking off practically every single thing in the book.  Did I really need all of them?  Where would I have put them anyway?  I really wasn’t considering those things at the time.  I just wanted them! Luckily, my parents were smart and only bought me a few items that I actually would use.  Of course the Christmas underwear was something I could have done without, but it was a need I guess.  To this day I’m still good in that area of life.

As I got older I realized I purchased items that I didn’t really need. I might buy something because everyone else had one, or maybe I was sad and thought it would make me feel better.  For a brief time it was nice, but then the item soon joined the other items hidden away, never to be used again.  Even after moving many times I still found I was holding on things I would never use. I swore one day I would need it and therefore never let it go.  How many times have you done that and never used that item again?.

As I looked at all the stuff surrounding me, it made me wonder why we all feel that having all this stuff makes life better.  It really just clutters up our world, causes us to spend money that could be used for more important things and just fills no need whatsoever!  I just knew if I could get myself to let go of certain things and not purchase new things I could simplify my life. So today I started going through things to sell, donate or trash.  It’s such a feeling of freedom as I chose a new destination for each item.  Maybe my clutter can become something special to someone else.  I just hope none of my precious treasures end up in someone else’s garage collecting dust.  Hmmm, maybe I can find a use for this broken vase.  No, it’s trash.  I’m getting good at this this.  Watch my curb for freebies!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life 101 - Running into walls

I jumped out of bed today and headed to the kitchen as I always do.  I enjoyed my breakfast as I watch my crazy cat race around the room, like something on a mega dose of caffeine.  I swear sometimes she gets into more than just the bread at nighttime.  Maybe it's the way she races around and smashes into the wall...full steam ahead! She just makes me laugh so hard that tears run down my cheek.
I realize it never even fazed her and she seemed to really enjoy it.  The whole thing made me think of some people I know who keep running head on into walls and not really seeing the problem with it.  It's like they actually enjoy it.

Who am I to say what someone should or shouldn't like.  However, I realize how I'm one of those people who hate walls, especially those that get into my way when I least expect it.  I know from experience when they pop up out of nowhere they sure can send me for a loop. Sometimes I stand there trying to figure out what to do.  Unlike the cat that just races full steam ahead, I tend to step aside and ponder my next move.  I figure I have two run into the wall like the crazy cat does, or jump it or take it down.  Since I have longer legs I think I will jump it for now and see where I land. 

Life will always throw a wall up to see how we handle it, but it's up to us to determine how to get around it, over it or through it! Always best not to keep running head on into it like the cat, because the world just doesn’t have that much aspirin!